Hull Fair

Hull Fair is huge. They say it’s the biggest fair travelling fair in Europe. It’s when all the travelling fairs from all over the country get together to have one last bash before winter. People come from all over to see it and go on the massive rides that they have.

Me, I just go on the Ferris wheel and try to take some pictures. In the olden days the wheel used to tower over the fairground. Nowadays it looks a bit lost in the corner, surrounded by a whole bunch of huge machines.

We went on Tuesday and arrived just as the sun was setting. It was a beautiful evening and I’m not sure that my pictures do it justice, but it was fun taking them.

If you’re in Hull you would be crackers not to go along and take a look.

To the Moon!

Today we went to see the moon in Hull Minster. Awesome. It hangs from a large steel structure that they’ve set up . I don’t really want to know how it fits together inside or how they printed it. I just want to marvel at it.

We actually saw the moon for the first time last week, when I took along my expensive cameras and fancy lenses to try and get a nice picture. Today I just had my smartphone with me and I ended up with what I consider better pictures - which is an interesting comment on the state of photography.

Whitby Steam

Today finds us on the road to Whitby. A wonderful place, if a bit colder than we anticipated first thing in the morning. We'd come for the steam rally and a fish pie. We got all that, plus fantastic weather and a ride in the clifftop lift (well worth 60 pence of anyone's money).

If you've not been to Whitby you are so missing out. And if you've been to Whitby and not had the fish pie at the Magpie Cafe then you're missing out too.

Inadvertent Storytelling

I love it when I go through pictures I've taken and every now and then find one that really tells a story. I took this one at the Steam Rally recently, hoping to get a good shot of the car instruments and totally failed to notice the figures in the background.

But, having revisited the pictures I really like the way that this one seems to be all about a couple and their dog, and their shiny MG. 

Lensbaby at Castle Howard

A while back I bought a LensBaby lens. It's great fun. To adjust the aperture you fit little metal disks with different sized holes in them. And you can move the entire lens about on the front of the camera to get strange focusing effects. 

We went to Castle Howard today. Lovely place. I decided to leave the LensBaby on the camera to see what kind of results I got. Quite fun.

Traction Engines at Whitby

Gentlemen, start your engines....

Expect to find a lot of pictures of traction engines and cars appearing in my blog over the next few days. Today we went to the Whitby Traction Engine Rally. It was awesome. There were traction engines, classic cars, funfair rides and stalls selling spanners.


The weather was kind to us (it only rained once for a bit) and a good time was had by all. I took my camera with some ancient lenses and took some pictures I'm really quite happy with. 

Misty Morning at c4di

Got up bright and early to go and work down at c4di today. I've got all my robots set up there now (they've got plenty of space, which is nice) and I wanted to work on remote configuration of robot settings.

I was up so bright and early that the car was actually frozen solid. And as I drove into town a clear bright morning turned into something a bit foggy. But this did make for some nice photographs when the mist cleared a bit. 

Some seagulls 

c4di looking shiny

Proper Blade Pictures

We went up town today and I thought I'd get some pictures of the "blade" once it had been installed. And here it is. To me it looks like it has been Photoshopped into the image. It's such an unlikely thing to find in the middle of a city square that it's rather hard to take in the fact that it is actually real.

I'm quite pleased with this shot from right underneath the blade. Next time I'll have the nerve to lie down on the floor to get an even better viewpoint.