Really good hardware meetup at c4di

This evening we had a most excellent hardware meetup at c4di. We had a new member turn up and say Hi, Adam was there too and we had some great discussion about moving forward with Air Quality and lots of other stuff. Everyone who turned looked like they’d just come from standing under a waterfall, which they had.

I really must start taking pictures of these gatherings, but I’m usually so busy chatting that I forget to. Which means you’ll have to put up with one of my vaguely artistic efforts at the top of this post.

The next Hardware Meetup is on the 14th November at 6:00 pm at c4di. Let’s hope for better weather.

Server Discussions at c4di

We had a quiet, but useful, hardware meetup today at c4di. Although most of the talk was of servers and software.

We’re in the process of migrating our services onto a shiny new Azure platform (if virtual machines can ever be regarded as shiny). As of today we’ve got the bulk of the work done. This means that you can go to our map and see something useful. We made some changes to the configuration live at the meeting which was great fun. I also insisted that we turn off the server and then turn it back on again, so that we could make sure that there are no manually started services that we need that would cause things to break if we ever had a reset. I’m pleased to be able to report that the server passed with flying colours.

Next we have to move our web sites and a couple of other services and then we’ll back in business. Huge thanks to everyone, particularly Starbeamrainbowlabs and Brian, for making the move.

Starbeamrainbowlabs has written some neat blog posts on the migration process that you can read here.

Air Quality Hardware Meetup

We had a splendid hardware meetup today. A whole bunch of new people turned up, including Dave White, Hull City Council Air Quality Officer. We wanted to discuss sensor design, data visualisation and a bunch of other things. So we did. It was great. Lots of plans made which I really look forward to seeing lead somewhere.

At the time I promised to put up a bunch of links to things that folks might find interesting. I think these are the ones, please feel free to let me know if there is anything missing.

  • You can find out about Connected Humber here.

  • You can join in the conversation about Connected Humber, Air Quality or anything else you fancy chatting about here.

  • You can read my amazing blog here. Oh, you are doing. Thanks for that.