Thermometer of lies
/I reckon it should be around -20 in here..
I did some film developing today. The developer (the liquid you put the film in to convert the exposed areas into tiny particles of silver) needs to be at a particular temperature for a given development time. I’m a big fan of the Massive Development Chart which gives development times for all kinds of film and developer combinations.
Anyhoo, I’ve been using the thermometer above to measure the temperatures and today I noticed that I had to get the water really warm to get it to the indicated 20 degrees. Which seemed wrong. A quick comparison with a cooking thermometer showed that it was indeed very wrong.
This rang a bell. I’ve noticed that quite a few of my pictures appear grainy and a bit murky. As if they have been developed too long. Which is what would happen if I had the developer at a high temperature. I’ve even been shortening the developer time to compensate for this. It never occurred to me that I was using the wrong temperature. I used the proper temperature and the recommended time and the pictures came out rather well.