VS 2015 Intallation Tip

I spent a big chunk of today trying to get Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition onto my machine. It put up a bit of a fight, I kept getting an error saying I needed up upgrade my installation when I'd built a project. I've no idea what the problem was.

But I do know how to fix it.

I installed Visual Studio from the ISO image that I downloaded from here. For previous, failed, installations I'd used the web installer. I'm wondering if there were some network shenanigans causing problems during the install.

The wonderful news is that I took my entire Snaps framework (a bunch of programming aids you are going to hear a *lot" about soon) and ported it from Windows 8.1 universal app to Windows 10 in about six minutes. All I had to do was copy the source files into an empty Windows 10 project and it built first time. This is completely awesome.