TechDays 2010 Portugal Session Resources

TechDays Portugal 2010 My Office

ACA009 Creating Windows Phone Games

Here is the content from my session. Thanks for being a great audience.

The code works on the current version of the CTP for the Windows Phone system. You can download this from here. If you want to use demo 3B to serve out accelerometer information to your phone app make sure that the program is running with Administrator privileges, and that you have modified the URL in the Phone Starlight program to address this host (localhost should just work).

If you want to get started with Windows Phone you can find a list of useful lines (and some FAQ entries) here.

ACA004 Giving Robots Life with the .NET Micro Framework

I left Oscar the robot powered up overnight by mistake. I was very impressed to find that he still had plenty of battery power left this morning. Fortunately nobody had been sending movement commands to him via the secret URL otherwise he could have gone anywhere!

If you want to get hold of a robot and Fez controllers you can go to:

If you want to get hold of the Web Server board you can go here:

If you want the most powerful Micro Framework board I’ve ever seen you can go here:

The Micro framework at Microsoft can be found here. There are links to platform manufacturers and a very useful forum. You can even propose enhancements to the platform.