I want a trombone

I want a trombone. I've wanted one ever since I saw one in a shop up town at around 11:30 today. And only 99 pounds too. I'm sure that a trombone would give me that air of cool which has so far eluded me. I could be "discovered" in my office playing really cool trombone riffs (if that is what they are called) like Riker in Star Trek Next Generation. Actually, I think that people would know I was playing the trombone long before they opened my office door though.....

Anyhoo. I still want one. Unfortunately my wife has other ideas and instead we have bought some garden furniture. Which cost the same as one and a half trombones (not that I want the half as well). I'm sure I'd work really hard at learning to play it, and it is bound to be easier than the guitar - for a start you can't play more than one note at once so reading the music will be a no brainer. And if I don't get round to practicing it would look even cooler hanging on the wall. Next to my guitar.