Upgrade your Circuit Python version in the Raspberry PI PICO

My first version of the PICO MIDI Cheesebox used Circuit Python 6. And it worked fine. But I thought I’d upgrade to version 7. This turned out to be harder than I anticipated because of my less than stellar hardware design. The Raspberry PI PICO that I use to control the CheeseBox is locked inside the case with no access to the all-important BOOTSEL button that you hold down during power on to force the device into firmware upload mode.

However, the good news is that you can use a couple of Python statements to get your PICO to reboot into firmware mode so that you can drop in a new version of Circuit Python (or anything else). You can issue the commands down the terminal connection. I used the Thonny program which provides a REPL connection to my Circuit Python powered CheeseBox (or Crackers Controller).


This is the first command you type in. It tells your device to reset into UF2 mode next time it is reset.


This is the second command. It resets the device and makes it appear as as storage device into which you can load the firmware. Note that if you do this you will wipe the contents of your PICO so make sure that you copy anything important off it first.

I’ve upgraded the firmware for the CheeseBox on GitHub to Version 7. You can find it here:
