Use Quick Access to work with recent files

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Now and again I fall over something so useful that I regret not having used it before. Such is the Quick Access feature of Windows 10. I found it by mistake and it is really rather nice. It lists the files that you have just been using. You might not think that is very useful, but if you remember that lots of applications, for example all the Office apps and programs like Cura, will open a file if you drag it onto them and drop it. You can also upload files to the wonderful OctoPi printer controller by just dropping them onto the browser page.

So when I want to take my saved design file from FreeCAD into Cura I just have to drag it out of the Recent files folder and drop it onto Cura. This saves a lot traipsing through file open dialogs. Now I keep the recent files folder open on the desktop just for things like these.