Build a Robot in a Day with RB

We did another "Build a robot in a day" course today. It was for a bunch of folks from Reckitt Benckiser. We call it "Build a robot in a day" because that's what you do. But it's not really about robots. It's about learning how embedded devices are created and programmed. 

It was great fun. Everybody managed to build their robot and get it moving around and reacting to its environment. We were using the latest iteration of the Hull Pixelbot chassis, which was lovingly laser-crafted by the wonderful crew at Inno-Plaz. It still needs a few 3D printed parts, but these take around an hour to print, rather than eight. It also looks rather spiffy, as you can see above. 

Everybody proudly took home their robot at the end of the day, I really hope that they keep playing with the robot and making it do new things.