Moving On

The University of Hull has been part of my life for over forty years. I arrived at the place in 1975 in tastefully flared trousers and I've been here ever since as student, duty programmer, computer manager and lecturer. And today I've begun the process of moving on from the university.

I guess it stated nearly a year ago, with congratulations from LinkedIn about my 37 years in employment at Hull. I'd never done the maths before and the number shocked me a bit. It was like a bit of grit that you get in your shoe, It irked,

As the year went by and I did my various jobs I began to reflect that I've been doing the same kind of thing for a long time and, fun though it is, maybe there are other things I might like to do which would be fun too. And maybe it would be interesting to find out. The little bit of grit in my shoe got too big to ignore. 

So, today I formally informed the university that I'd like to move on from the institution on the 30th of September this year. I'll be around for the next four months, setting up courses and getting things as sorted as I can for the next session, so I'm not going just yet. But moving on I am.

It's going to be a wrench, but it had to happen sooner or later, and I really hope I'll be able to retain some links with this fabulous institution, maybe they'll let me come back and run the odd competition and deliver the occasional Rather Useful Seminar.

I've not made any firm plans going forward. With a bit of luck I'll be able to speak at a conference every now and then, and of course will rumble on. My book will be out later this year and I might think about "C# Yellow Book - the Movie", but we'll have to see. 

I've got tons of toys that I've not had time to play with, I plan to spend some time fiddling with them and writing about what happens. I've decided to re brand myself "Technical Author" just for now... Definitely not retired.

I've had a wonderful time at Hull University and I want to thank my colleagues in Computer Science and of course all the wonderful students that we've had over the years. I'm actually quite nervous about the future, but I'm also rather excited.