Paul Talks Security at a Rather Useful Seminar

I bumped into Paul Orlowski a while back. Apparently I taught him something about computers in the 1980's. Paul was studying electronics at the time, but now he is into security. Proper, full on, big company to government security. Of course I asked him to deliver a Rather Useful Semnar. And today he did. 

It was great. Security is a big thing. A big big thing. And it is going to get bigger. Paul made the point that as a career security is an increasingly interesting (and lucrative) choice for a Computer Science graduate.

Paul also explained that security is all about governance and process. If there's nobody at the right level in an institution to ensure that security policies are are properly enacted, or if systems are built without having security at the heart of the development, then we won't get the secure systems that we need. 

We had a really good turnout and everyone went away with plenty to think about.