C4DI Summer Party

These guys were making the music. Now, I'm no expert, but those record players look a bit small to me.....

These guys were making the music. Now, I'm no expert, but those record players look a bit small to me.....

Went to the C4DI Summer Party this evening. Fantastic venue. Lovely weather. Great company. And Free Food. 

What more can you ask for?

Met up with some Hull graduates who seem to have "accidentally formed a software development company" by being in the right place (C4DI) at the right time. (a few weeks ago). Fantastic work guys, and I'll see about getting you in to do a "Rather Useful Seminar" in the future. (nobody ever really escapes Hull University......)

Also spent some time chatting about 3D printing, future embedded stuff at C4DI, teaching and all kinds of other bits and bobs.

Of course I took some pictures. I think I may have over-processed them a bit, but hey, it's my blog....