Three Thing Game November 2015
/The next Three Thing Game will be on 13th-14th November (another Friday 13, what are the chances?).
The event is open to all, especially first year students. Don't worry if you've never written a game before, we'll be giving you a game framework to work withand running some special sessions in the week before the overnight development session.
Microsoft are coming along to take part in the fun and games. There'll be pizza, and pop, and all the usual shenanigans, plus any new ones that we can come up with.
Teams of up to five people can take part. We'll be picking our things on Monday 9th of November (2:15 pm Large Lecture Theatre in the Applied Science Building) and doing an overnight development Friday 13th-Saturday 14th of November.
Registration will be opening on Friday 30th October at 9:00am sharp on this site. Spaces might be limited (i.e. when we fill up the Fenner Computer Suite we will have to try and work out where else we can put folks). Please don't crash the web site. Registration will close on Friday 6th November.