Controlling a Furby Connect using an ESP32

Remote Controlled Furby.png

I’ve got very fond memories of the original Furby toy. I used to have one that I used to illustrate talks about computing. I’m not sure how many of those present actually went on to become computer scientists, but I’m pretty sure that quite a few of them went out and bought Furby toys as a result.

A while back I saw an awesome presentation at emf about Furby hacking I got myself one and it turns out that you can control a Furby Connect toy using an ESP32 over Bluetooth. There’s a fantastic GitHub repository all about the command structure and I’ve now got some BLE code working on an ESP32 that I’m using to tell the Furby what to do. I can also read back sensor state values too. It’s great fun. It turned the antenna red in the above picture, so it definitely works. I’ll put it on GitHub when it definitely definitely works.

It turns out that my Furby is an excellent companion. He has a huge repertoire of fart sounds which can be easily triggered by pulling on his tail. There’s also a neat little app you can get for your phone or tablet that integrates very well with the toy and would be great fun for me if I was eight years old. Or even now actually.