Mostly Musical Hardware Meetup

Ross with his “fillet of piano”

Another musical hardware meetup tonight. Ross brought along a demo of his amazing “piano round trip machine”. Not content with making an electronic pianola he has now added infra-red distances sensors to the piano keyboard. These generate midi notes which means you can make an old out of tune piano sound like anything. Including a new in tune piano.

Keyboards old and new

It was very impressive and opens the door on all kind of interesting stuff. You could make a piano which joins in with your playing, or plays the left hand for you.

Brian had brought along his theramin-ish machine which uses distance sensors to control sound playback.

Something else I now want to buy….

Richard brought an amazing led panel. Next time I’d like to see if we can use it in some long-exposure photographs.

This is Brian’s Pi Powered AI tracking skeletons. It was amazingly quick and didn’t slow down when more people entered the frame.

I brought along my latest non-working project and used the MakerSpace oscilloscope to prove that I really don’t know how to create a software uart using Raspberry Pi PICO state machines. But I might get it working for next time….

The next meetup is in two weeks, on the 19th of February. This one will have a photographic bent. I plan on bringing along my servo-powered cable release, among other things.

If you fancy coming along it would be lovely to see you.