Write down what you've done
/Taken outside Brid Comicon
If you don’t want to start a blog, start a diary. Actually a diary is a good idea whatever you do. You can use it as a record to write your blog from. And a diary is useful place to unload stuff. Bad things seem to lose their potency when you write them down. If you have things to do, the act of writing them down makes you feel as if you’re already taking steps towards doing them. I also write down what I’ve been doing during the day. This is useful so that I can go back and discover when I made that change that broke everything, and why. It is also useful because if I start thinking “I didn’t get much done today” I can look back and recall that I actually did quite a lot. This is what I spent today doing:
Investigated the reset behaviour of the espTool code and discovered it to be identical to the code I’m using. One device seems to be just hard to reset. Others work fine.
Put the partition and bootloader files into the esp32 firmware folder
Created GetFileArrayFromUrls which loads the files for flashing
Created a firmwareLocations object which holds the file references for the different devices.
Added a behaviour that displays an appropriate message if the firmware for a device cannot be found.
Tested the boot behaviour on Wemos D1 Mini, Wemos D1 ESP32 and DOIT 32 devices.
Tested the boot behaviour on a device which has had its flash cleared.
Added a reset behaviour to the end of the flashing process.
Fixed the behaviour when a serial port cannot be opened.
Added a behaviour that displays messages after reset.
Made the host website behaviour on the device light the led when it starts running.
Adding a workflow to manage the flash complete process.
I’m doing some work on flashing Connected Little Boxes from a browser. It’s been quite fun.