Red Nose Day 2022 Lecture in Rhyme is go!

If you’d told me thirty years ago that I would still be doing Red Nose Day lectures in Rhyme in 2022 I’d have said “Who are you?” and “Why can’t you tell me anything useful like ‘Buy Google Shares’?”

But that’s by the by. I’m doing it again, sooner than I expected. For now, just make a place holder in your diary and get ready to flex your wallet a bit. This time I’m going to tell you some Genuinely Useful stuff about how the web works. You don’t need to know how to program, or anything much about computers. But by the end you’ll know a bit about how the web works, have played a silly game and heard more cheese puns that you really want to.

Keep coming back to here and I’ll update you with progress, including the all-important link where you can donate your socks off.