Playing Yakuza Zero

Imagine if you took all the human effort involved in making a large bridge, or building a tower block and put it into making a video game. It feels like that is what Sega have done with Yakuza Zero. The game is enormous. There’s the main story of course, a tale of corruption, revenge and an awful lot of fist fights. But there are also side quests, racing games and all kinds of daftness just shoved in with all the rest. I’ve been playing it for a while and I just keep finding more and more stuff. It runs a treat on the Steam deck and being able to pick it up for a while, play it and then put it down again is really compelling. You find yourself indulging in the occasional street brawl in the commercial breaks between TV programs, or all the way through “Call the Midwife”. Strongly recommended, but definitely for grown-ups only.