It would be lovely to see you at our next Hardware Meetup

In the “Good Old Days” (which are getting progressively gooder and older) we used to have a Hardware Meetup in person at c4di twice a month. We’ get together in the same room and talk about hardware and software and anything else we found interesting. Sometimes we even got within 2 meters of each other.

Happy days.

However, the good news is that the meetings are still going on. A few stalwarts are still meeting up twice a month, although now we do it online. We had a great meetup last night as it turns out. We talked about a whole bunch of stuff, what we are doing, what works, what doesn’t. SBL showed off fantastic progress on the Connected Humber Sensors site. It is now much snappier to load sensor readings.

If you want to come along to our meetups you can find details our our meetups on Mattermost here.