Printing Visors for Covid-19

I noticed that Paul was printing out visor holders for health workers. I thought I’d like to have a go and he was kind enough to send me his design of choice. Of course Una (my 3D printer) promptly decided to play up massively. At one stage I resorted to shouting “I’m trying to do something good here!” very loudly at her. That didn’t work and so I replaced the print nozzle for one that actually had a hole in it.

This improved matters considerably, and after a couple of hours I had my first prototype. You are supposed to use A4 plastic binder covers but, not surprisingly, these are a bit hard to get hold of at the moment.

I’ve ordered a bunch, but for now I’m making do with some transparency film that I had lying around for printing out overhead projector slides (remember them). I’ve also ordered some proper length elastic bands.

The finished article looks OK to me. I’m going to wear it for a while just to see how long it lasts. Now all I need to find is someone who wants a mask like this. I’m not saying it is perfect, but it beats the heck out of nothing…..

If you have such a need, let me know