Drilling comedy holes

I put up our Christmas lights last week, what with it being close to Christmas. I’ve not seen the neighbours getting out chairs and drinks to watch me work, but they should do. I’m quite entertaining when I try to do this kind of DIY.

First thing I had to do was make a hole in the garage wall. In previous years I’ve just threaded the power cable for the lights through the edge of the garage door. However my shiny new garage door fits a bit more closely, so the lazy way is no longer an option.

I carefully planned where the hole should be and got out my special long drill bit. I’m very proud of it. It can go through one or more than walls at once. I started drilling and the wall seemed to go on for a very long time. So long in fact that the drill got stuck. So I was forced to leave the drill hanging off the wall with the wire still connected as I pondered what to do next. It looked as if I’d hired the invisible man to do some DIY for me.

Eventually after a bit of fun and games with a mole wrench I managed to wrest the drill out of the bricks. I discovered that I’d drilled into the side of the garage. In other words there was no inside to this hole, it just went on for the length of the building and out of the back.

The second hole was much more successful, and shortly after that I had my lights up and working. I told number one son that I’d drilled two holes that day, one in the wrong place and one in the right place. “Oh” he said. “Which one did you drill first?”