Students at c4di

On Wednesday this week we had a bunch of 30 Computer Science students from the University of Hull drop round to have a look at c4di. It was rather nice to see a few familiar faces and to chat about this and that. I was showing off my Pixelbots and one visitor made a rather interesting observation along the lines of "They've not come along much since last year". This is true, mainly because of Begin to Code with Python, which has sucked all the time out of my life for the last few months. 

But, I'm back playing with other things again now, and so expect the Pixelbot pace to pick up in the next few weeks. We've got another "Build a Robot in a Day" planned for December and the laser cut designs are coming along. There are also a few interesting options if we start putting Lora devices on robots. 

It was great see the level of interest that the students were showing. And I think they were rather impressed by the building and the surroundings. What I really want is some form of "Hull based" trajectory for graduates who love the city (who wouldn't) and want to stay in Hull to build a career. I reckon the c4di could play a big part in this.

Quite a few people wanted to find out more about the hardware group. If you fancy coming along you can find out more here