Northen Stars at C4DI
/It would seem that the C4DI is taking up quite a large chunk of my life at the moment. Last week we had the awards ceremony, yesterday Jon Moss came and gave a Rather Useful Seminar and today I'm down at the Northern Stars. The idea behind the event was simple. Make a three minute pitch of your startup idea to an audience. Best one on the night wins an iPad. Twenty of the best pitches from events around the area win a slot in the grand final and a chance to go for top ten startups of the year. A great way to get your name out there and learn how to work an audience in 3 minutes.
Jon Polling pitches I'm In
Unfortunately I was in a student lab session when the event started (embedded development - great fun) so I didn't get to see all the presentations. I was sorry to miss the pitch from Arc Studios, especially when they told me that they had based the content on my Lectures in Rhyme. After pizza, and a really interesting discussion about technology and the area, the winner was announced as MrLista, the ultimate Wish List generator.
Now that's a good sign....
On the way out I spent some time trying to get a good picture of The Deep, which was looking very splendid in a high tide.
Carefully stitched....
There were a few of our First Year students amongst the crowd. I told them that I expected them to be pitching their ideas this time next year...