Mijnlieff - hard to say, fun to play
/Turns out that this is not a winning position if you are playing with the light tiles....
Last week in Whitby I bought a little two player game (there are some good game shops in Whitby - and a good sweet shop or two..). Anyway, this weekend we got around to playing it.
The game is called MijnLeiff, a word my spelling checker doesn't know. Players take it in turns to put tiles down on a board with the aim of making rows of three or more of their own colour. What makes it more interesting is that the piece that you put down dictates where on the board your opponent can make their next move. And with a limited number of different pieces for each player it gets very, very, tactical towards the endgame.
If you like games which are easy to pick up, quick to play and somewhat strategic, you will like this one.