Comedy Rob


Since some folk think I've been doing stand up comedy since I started lecturing (it's not true, I set down sometimes) I've decided to have a go at "proper" stand-up. 

I've been given a chance by those brave people at LabRascals to do a slot at the "Geeks vs. Nerds" event on the 21st of March at the Piper Club on Newland Avenue (note to self, find out where the club is before the 21st). The blurb says: Several Fascinating and Hilarious ‘Geeks and Nerds’ Take the Stage to Tell Their Best Joke in Style. Whatever.

The organizers have taken the sensible precaution of having a proper comedian along as well. So for your 6 pound entry fee (5 if you book in advance) you also get to see the wonderful Helen Keen.  Find out more (and book tickets) here.