4G in Hull
/Oooh. 4G
I think I've found the best place to browse the internet on my Lumia 1520 phone. It is the Starbucks in St. Steven's in the middle of Hull. I'm on a 4G contract now and I've been pleased to see that the 4G indicator light up when I go up town. I wan't expecting the extra G to make that much difference, but pages seem to flick into place really quickly, even faster than when I'm using WiFi.
I really like browsing on the phone. The entire site is under my fingertips and the screen is large enough to show an entire page without needing to pan and zoom around it.
The only problem is that because I'm not massively rich I'm on a capped contract, with only 1G of data a month allowed. I've a feeling that if I went nuts with the phone I could use that up really quickly. In the future (you know, the one where we all have jetpacks and work one day a month) when cheap, fast, data is ubiquitous, I can see all kids of possibilities for this.