Start Here! Learn the Kinect API has gone to print


I’ve always wanted to produce a book with an exclamation mark in the title. And today it went off to print. Start Here! Learn the Kinect API is the story of one man’s struggle against the forces of the universe and device drivers as he calls forth the inner strength that we all have within us, and uses it to forge a majestic tome that sits easily amongst the greatest of its peers, telling the tale, once and for all, of how mortal developers can write fun programs using the C#,  .NET and the Microsoft Kinect sensor.  The book is now with the printers, and will be in the shops at the end of July.

The book was great fun to write and I hope it will be fun to read. It is interesting that Microsoft have applied for a patent for a gesture based MIDI interface powered by Kinect, and that one of the examples in the book actually tells you how to do precisely this on your PC. I wonder if I can sue them….