Fez Ultimate Kit Last Chance


Apologies to those who have got in touch about the Fez Ultimate Kit. I’ve been a bit busy with other things, but I’m going to get it sorted as soon as I’m back in Hull next week, so that we can get the order out. I’ll be in touch later this week, once I’ve finished the Jump Start….

For those who aren’t sure what I’m on about, the Fez Ultimate Kit you can see above is a .NET Micro Framework device along with a whole bunch of sensors. You can program it in C# from Visual Studio and we use it in teach for our embedded courses. I’m really excited about the Gadgeteer too, which will be along later this year and will make embedded development on small devices even easier.

We are currently sorting out a cut price deal on the kit above, which usually goes for 150 dollars. I’m going to get a bunch sent to Hull for the labs, and anyone who can get to Hull and pick one up (I can’t resend anything out I’m afraid) is welcome to piggyback on the order. There’s still time to send me an email at ultimatefun@robmiles.com and I’ll let you know just how much you could save.