Day out in Dalby Forest

Today we actually went somewhere other than upstairs. We went to Dalby Forest. This is one of my favourite places in the whole wide world and today it was on fine form. Plenty of room for social distancing and facilities that were the cleanest I’ve ever seen them. We had a smashing time. I took a lens that I got just before lockdown that I’ve been waiting to play with for ages. The weather was kind to us, with interesting clouds in the sky and I’m very happy with the way the pictures came out.

I’m starting to like the outdoors again….

Printing Trains

Chris likes trains. So it seemed appropriate to make him a birthday card with a picture of a train on it. I found this picture amongst a bunch that I took in Haworth nearly ten years ago.

I tried to print it onto thin card with my lovely HP laser printer. It did not go well. Lots of black toner everywhere. I really thought I’d broken the printer.

Fortunately a few tests confirmed that all was well. The printer was just having trouble with the card stock I was using. Turns out that the answer was to do just what you should do. Tell the printer you are using a different kind of paper. When I selected “thin card” it worked a treat. It runs the printer more slowly so that the toner has more time to heat up the card and fuse the toner to it.

Sunrise at Radio Humberside

I was at Radio Humberside bright and early this morning to review the newspapers. This was great fun, and enlivened by an awesome sunrise right outside. I pressed my phone up against the glass to try and get a picture and got the image you can see above. The reflections are all caused by the second layer of double glazing that they need for sound proofing. At the time I took the picture I was a bit upset by all the reflections but having thought about it I think they add quite a lot of atmosphere to the shot.

Visit Hessle foreshore

Yesterday we drove over to the Humber Bridge County park and had a marvellous work though the trees and down to Hessle Foreshore. It still amazes me that we have lived in Hull all these years and only started going to this splendid place quite recently. It was a lovely afternoon and the sunlight across the estuary was very pretty. We grabbed a coffee at The Humber Park and then sat on the terrace watching the sun go down over the sea. Well worth the trip.

A picture fit for the living room wall

We’ve had the same picture (Lego superheroes) over our fireplace for ages. Last night, thanks to a time limited 40% saving offer from Photobox, we set about changing this. We’re going for the picture above, which I took way back in 2013 from the Ferris wheel at Hull Fair. We’ve bought canvas prints from Photobox before and they do a good job.

I was feeling very smug about getting the order in before the offer expired and then I found out that they’ve extended the offer…..