Coding Conundrums

We've been running the "Wrestling with Python" sessions again. Each Tuesday we get together with some local teachers and continue the process of getting up to speed with the Python language. We've reached the point where we are having a go at programming puzzles. And it is proving quite fun.

I've put the "Coding Conundrums" up on the Python site so anybody can have a go. You don't have to use Python, in fact I'm sending the same puzzles around our department to give folks some programming puzzles to get their teeth into. I reckon that programming is something that you have to work at continuously if you want to get (and stay) good at it. Bit like learning a musical instrument.

I'm also starting to properly like Python. Most of my Python programming takes place in the forbidding environment of the FreeCad graphic design program. I've got no debugger, scant error messages and Python programs can be terribly "brittle", in that a small mistake can cause them to shatter into a million pieces. But I must admit I'm really liking it.