Python Wrestling Time Out


We had our last "Wrestling with Python" event today. For the last six weeks or so we've been teaching teachers how to write Pythong programs. It's been great fun, although as a class they are a bit badly behaved, and I have had to shout at them once or twice to be quiet......

Anyhoo, today everyone who came along got completion certificates and went away happy. Or at least I hope they did. |f you want to find out what we were up to you can download the slides and the lab notes from here.

One of the things that we mentioned was PyScripter. This is a great tool for Python development on the PC. You can navigate your source code and it provides debugging support too. You can put breakpoints into the program, single step through the code and view the contents of variables. It is a free download and makes you into a much more effective developer.  Well worth a look. 

We have some plans for Python games in schools a bit later in the year. It's going to be great fun. 

Python Constructor Trickery

We are still doing our Python evening courses. Today we are learning more about classes. Which seems appropriate for teachers. We have been looking at how to create and manage data in program objects.

It turns out that Python is very laissez-faire when it comes to object construction (just like it is about most things). As a stalwart C# developer I find this all a bit scary. In C# you have to tell the compiler everything about the design of an object that you might like to create. In other words:

class Player


public string Name;

public int Score;


This is a C# class that I could create to hold details of a player of a game (perhaps golf or cricket). Each instance of the class will hold the name of the player and their score.  The C# compiler has been told to store a string in the Name property and an integer in the Score. So I can create objects that represent the fact that "Fred" has scored 100 runs, or whatever. And C# will make sure that the value of Name is only ever a string and the value of Score is only ever an integer. I like this a lot. It means that it is very hard for me to get my name and score storage into a mess. If I try to store a string where a number should be, for example put the value "Twenty Five" into the Score property,  then my program won't even get to run. 

In Python you can add things to any object at any time and the system pays no attention to the type of the values until a wheel comes off during program execution. 

class Player:

def writeMessage(self):

print('Nobody here but us chickens')

This Python code defines a Player class that just contains a single method that prints the message 'Nobody here but us chickens' when it is called. Fair enough, but not terribly useful. I can create an instance of the class if I want:

p = Player()

These two statements create an instance of the Player class (referred to by p) and then ask it to print its message. Fair enough. If I want to store data in the class I can just set some attributes, and they are added automatically when the program runs. = 'Fred'
p.score= 99

Now my instance of Player holds a couple of attributes, the name and the score of that player. I can go on and add lots of other attributes if I like. The problem is that I could end up in a mess. Suppose that I decide to mark one particular player as the captain of the team. I can add an attribute to denote this:

p.isCaptain = True

Now I can tell which one of the players is the captain, right? Well, yes and no. But mostly no and always dangerous. I might now have a situation where only one player (the one that I have marked as captain) has the isCaptain attribute. The rest of the players in my system don't have the attribute set to false, they just don't have the attribute. This will become a problem if my program ever does something like this:

if p.isCaptain:

print('hello captain')

This statement cause the program to crash if it ever encounters a player without the isCaptain attribute. A C# program would not allow this to happen, since you would be unable to create a player that didn't have the isCaptain attribute.

Python programs are easier and quicker to write because you don't have to tell the compiler everything up front, but the penalty is that they are vulnerable to errors that C# programs can't ever have. My way of fixing this is to make a constructor method for player that allows you to set the initial values there:

class Player:

def __init__(self, name, score): = "" + name

self.score = 0 + score

self.isCaptain = False

The __init__ method (yes, there are two underscores before and after the word init) is given the name and the score values and sets them into the player. It also sets a default value for the isCaptain property. I can now construct a player and set up the attributes in one statement:

p = Player('Fred', 99)

You may be wondering why I have statements like:

self.score = 0 + score

This is the trickery bit. I'm setting the score of the player to whatever the user of my constructor sent in. They could do something stupid like:

p = Player('Fred', 'har har')

In this case the score value is being delivered as a silly string, which is not what I want. But because the constructor tries to add this parameter to the integer value 0 this means that the program will fail and stop with the message:

self.score = 0 + score
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

I could write extra code to check for the type and raise my own exception, but this seems somehow simpler. I'm using this in all my Python constructors now. Maybe there's a better way of doing it, but I don't care because my way works for me. 

Number one son reckons that surviving in languages like Python, which are great fun but inherently dodgy, is just a matter of coding standards. This has now become one of mine. 

More Wrestling with Pyhon


Last year Warren, Simon, Robert, Mike and myself did a sequence of 6 sources for local teachers about programming with Python. They were great fun to deliver and we've now started the second sequence, with even more teachers and some new material. 

I've even gone and bought the domain This is where we are going to host all the content that we write over the weeks. I've even found a way of using the a new fangled feature of my new blog site. You can sign up for a newsletter and I'll send you alerts when anything interesting happens, python wise. 

How to use Python in Visual Studio 2013


I've taken quite a shine to the Python language. Although I'm still strongly wedded to C# think that Python is also a great placed to do stuff. A bit like swapping the sensible Ford Focus for a Mazda MX5 for the weekend kind of fling.

What you might not know is that there is an implementation of Python that works a treat on .NET (so that you can combine Python and other languages), and that there is also a lovely plugin for Visual Studio that lets you write, and more importantly debug, Python in "The Best Place to Write Code in the Universe and Space".

I've written a tiny howto that tells you how to get started. You can find it here.

Pythons Duly Wrestled


We had our last “Wrestling with Python” session today. Simon, Robert, Warren, Mike and myself have been helping some teachers from local schools get to grips with the Python programming language. You can find the notes and exercises from the course here.

The six sessions have flown by (particularly the one that took place while I was in Seattle…) We gave out completion certificates and talked about continuing into the future. Everyone seemed keen to come back, which is nice.

The Python programming language is definitely growing on me. Of course my heart belongs to C#, but I do quite like writing Python programs. The C# language is a bit like your mum, always concerned with your welfare, fussing a bit but making sure that everything is just right. Python on the other hand is a bit like your crazy auntie who doesn’t make a scene if you forget to comb your hair and suggests going of and things like parachute jumps. She’s great fun to be around, but if you are actually looking to do something properly you’ll want to work with mum.

Actually I don’t have particularly strong opinions about programming languages. My concept of the “best” language is very simple. The best language is the one that they will pay you the most cash to write programs in. I will quite happily write JavaScript if the money is right. And I might even reprogram my keyboard to produce cash till sounds when I type so that I can remind myself why I’m doing it…..

With programming languages it is often a matter of “horses for courses” and I reckon that a proper programmer should have a good working knowledge of at least two or three, and be prepared to learn a new one if the occasion demands it.

Python is a great tool for learning, it is possible to “play” with Python code in a way that is rather fetching, and it was fun introducing the teachers to the business of programming. With a bit of luck we’ll do some more in the future. If you are a local teacher who wants to get involved in the next tranche of sessions, let me know and I’ll put you on the list.

Wrestling with Python


I’m only a bit sorry about the title. And the fact that the first program that we wrote was an “adder”. And yes, I do know that the language was named in honour of the TV show, not the snake.

Anyhoo, we had our first Python session for teachers tonight. A great bunch of folks turned up, wrote some Python, made it work and went home. If you are interested to find out what we got up to, you can find the slides and the lab notes here.

It’s not too late to sign up. If you are a teacher in the Hull area who would like to learn more about Python and has Tuesday evenings free then you can find out more here.