Very expensive lego bricks

Years ago I made a picture using Lego bricks. They had this service where you could send them an image and they would send you back the bricks to make a 44x44 version on a Lego back plate. Turns out that I was way ahead of my time, in that there are now lots of apps for phones and whatnot that will do this for you.

In fact I was so far ahead of my time that some of the bricks changed have faded and changed colour. Which is rather sad. I wondered about replacing them, and so I went on to the Lego site where they sell individual bricks and started pricing up replacements. Each tiny brick is 6 pence and I need quite a lot of the, nearly sixty pound’s worth.

I’m now learning to appreciate the “retro charm” of the faded colour scheme.

Cups of Lego are a thing

Saturday finds us in the Lego store in Leeds. The back of the store is filled with dispensers for individual pieces. I’ve never found these very interesting, but today it turns out that they are the only way to get the pieces for the nice little Halloween themed bat and ghost designs they had in store.

So we went round and filled a pot. The cost was 6.99 which compares favourably with the price of a set with a similar number of pieces. And you get to keep the pot. This meant I was able to distract myself during Strictly Come Dancing by building the models and then working out what to do with the rather large number of bits I had left.

I realise that this will probably require the use of more imagination on my part than just buying a kit, but I can see me picking up a pot full of interesting colours and shapes on my occasional visits to the store. It also raises the prospect of buying particular Lego bricks to make custom cases for devices and perhaps even gluing them together.

Lego Lunar Lander

I’d really like to be rich. If I was rich I could afford the new Lego Lunar Lander kit and a big house containing a “Lego wing” into which I could put it once I’d made it.

Actually, to be honest I’m not that bothered really. As someone who was around at the time of the landing (#oldagebrag) I remember getting and building the official Airfix Lunar Lander kit (complete with a piece of the moon). Mine even had gold tin foil from Caramac bar wrappers around the legs, just like the real thing.